You would like to support this site
even though you don't really want to write a comment or send an e-mail to it.
Most visitors of your site might be thinking so.
By setting up this clap button
in your site or blog,
visitors can show you their cheering easily.
The feature of the service
- You can design a thanks page as you like.
A thanks page, shown after clapping, is easiliy made.
Inserting images and decorating letters are very easy!
HTML can be used for a design of a thanks page. You can create a thanks page as you want.
Click the above clap buttons to see the samples of thanks pages.
- Paste a tag, that's all!
Installation is very easy! Just paste a clap tag to a place you would like.
Use it on various pages of other websites as well as the FC2 Website or FC2 Blog.
(*Please understand that it cannot be shown properly depending on a website you are using.)
- The sent clapping is shown in a graph form according to date and time.
The sent clapping will be shown in a graph form in the user management page, so that you will notice it easily!
If you are using FC2 Blog, the result of blog clapping which is FC2 Blog's function is also shown.
you can check it on the FC2 Clap user management page.
- It's highly functional and unrestricted!
The FC2 Clap is a lot more functional and more unrestricted than the blog clapping function of FC2 Blog!
You can use your favorite image, material or smiley as a web clap button.
You can respond to a comment whice was sent with the clapping or set a thanks page to show appreciation.